inventory report oxfordshire
Professional Inventories

An Inventory details the conditition of a property and its contents, which is taken prior to a new tenancy starting. It is therefore important that an Inventory is both indepth and accurate, and that the Inventory is impartial. This has become particularly relevant since the introduction of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme.

The need to create an in-depth, and accurately detailed Inventory, means that it is a time consuming process. Outsourcing this process ensures that you have an accurate report which is not left as a ‘last-minute rush job’ or left to an untrained member of staff - and therefore maintains the accuracy and detail required to stand up.

Compiling an Inventory is a skill and should be carried out by someone qualified to do so. The inventory is an important document and one that may need to be relied upon as evidence in the event of a dispute and may be liable to the scrutiny in a Court of Law.

I’ve been preparing residential inventories since 2005 and have a wealth of experience covering everything from studio apartments through to large country properties. My experience has given me an invaluable insight into what TDS adjudicators look for should a deposit claim be disputed.

Inventories from £95

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