What is Legionella?
Legionnaires' Disease is a pneumonia like illness caused by the Legionella bacteria and can be fatal. The infection is caused by breathing in small droplets of water contaminated by the bacteria. The disease cannot be passed from one person to another.

Legionella bacteria are found in the natural environment and may contaminate and grow in water systems, including domestic hot and cold water systems. They survive low temperatures and thrive at temperatures between 20 - 45°C if the conditions are right. They are killed by high temperatures at 60°C or above.

Landlord's responsibilities
Landlords of residential accommodation have responsibilities for combating Legionnaires' Disease. Health and safety legislation requires that landlords carry out risk assessments for the Legionella bacteria which cause Legionnaires' Disease and thereafter maintain control measures to minimise the risk.

Most rented premises will be low risk but it is important that risk assessments are carried out and control measures introduced. Landlords are under a duty to ensure that the risk of exposure to tenants, residents and visitors by Legionella is properly assessed and controlled.

What next?
It is important that you know what to look out for on a Legionnaire Risk Assessment.

I have undergone training with bpec to ensure that I have the expertise necessary to understand the importance of the risk assessment, the criteria required, and the detail necessary for the assessment to be valid.

Outsourcing is an efficient and cost-effective way for landlords, agents and property managers to demonstrate they are compliant. *I can perform the risk assessment as a separate visit or whilst I am already attending the property for an Inventory, check-in, check-out or property visit.

Prices from £70*


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